The Teachers College, Reading and Writing Project is a great free formative assessment.
Bruce's Word Test. This word meaning test is an assessment of expressive volcabulary.
Abecedarian Test. This test contains 6 sub-tests: Letter Knowledge, Phonological Awareness, Phoneme Awareness, Alphabetic Principle, Vocabulary
Decoding. |
Sylvia Greene's Informal Word Analysis Inventory. Reading decoding and spelling encoding.
Math is Fun. A math website dedicated to teaching math concepts. Contains links and diagrams easy enough for your students to use.
Annenburg Learner. Interactives for all subject areas K-12 and even college.
A Maths Dictionary For Kids. Helpful mathematical terms and concepts explanation with diagrams.
Mr. W Songs
He is not a super trendy guy but I love his songs. All on topics that are hard to find. |
Annenburg Learner. Interactives for all subject areas K-12 and even college.
Easy Science for Kids.
I found this accident and love the simple explanations for kids. Great site for lower level research. |
Annenburg Learner. Interactives for all subject areas K-12 and even college.
Weebly. A free classroom website creator.
Flipping Institute.
Title & Author
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Linda B. Gambrell |
Literacy instruction, research, and resources. This book is easy to read and jammed pack with up to date concepts. My copy is a mess because of all the notes I highlighted and added in the margins. The best part of this book is the sassy, almost defiant edge, the authors write with in defense of quality teachers.
Words Their Way
by Donald R. Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Shane Templeton, Francine Johnston |
An educators guide to teaching and creating active engagement with words. I was forced to buy this back in college and glad for it. I use the resources in this book to create centers, games, and independent practice activities.
Title & Author